Ciao! I am a PhD candidate in Surgical Robotics at UNSW, Sydney.

Some things I like:
• Robotics, Soft Robotics
• Control Theory, Model Predictive Control
• Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning
• Their application to surgical robotics

Currently Working On

For my PhD, I am trying to automate surgical procedures using robotic systems.
For example, a soft robot could be capable of both navigating the bronchial tree and detecting suspicious lesions, only using the information from the camera.

  • Are the camera images and the exctracted features enough to know precisely where the robot is in the bronchial tree?
    Keywords: SLAM, Visual Odometry, etc.

  • Can we get close to 100% accuracy in detecting cancerous lesions using only computer vision techniques?
    Keywords: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, etc.

  • How to precisely control the robot to reach the desired location?
    Keywords: Model Predictive Control, Reinforcement Learning, etc.